Arbutus Laser | 30+ Years of Patience Centred-Excellence


A global, comprehensive approach is key to achieving desired outcomes.


At Arbutus Laser, we have been at the forefront of skin tightening procedures since they were first introduced. We have an array of devices that will help lift and tighten skin on various areas of the face and body and it is our job to help determine what options are right for you.

Emface® is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that uses a combination of high-intensity focused electromagnetic stimulation (HIFES™) and radiofrequency (RF) energy to tone facial muscles and stimulate collagen production. It is designed to improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin on the face, reduce wrinkles and enhance facial contours.

When you choose Arbutus Laser for your Emface® treatments, you can trust that you are in the hands of experienced professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your desired goals.

"A painless, non-invasive, no downtime treatment to lift, tighten, and tone your face.”

If it's a concern for you,
it's one for us.


Emface® is a revolutionary system designed to lift, tighten, and tone your face. The high-intensity focused electromagnetic stimulation (HIFES™) energy triggers the facial muscles to contract. This in turn improves the quality and tone of your facial muscles resulting in a natural lifting effect of the face. Don’t worry, your facial muscles do not get bigger like the muscles in your body do!

The radiofrequency (RF) aspect stimulates collagen and elastin production of the skin to further tighten and enhance the quality of the skin.

The Emface® targets 3 areas on the face: 

  1. Forehead- treating this area can help lift the brows and eyelids while improving the quality of the skin with RF.
  2. Cheeks- treating this area can help lift the cheeks to soften smile lines and jowls. It can also bring back some fullness to the cheeks while improving the quality of the skin with RF.
  3. Submental (under the chin)- treating this area can reduce fullness under the chin and help to define the jawline while improving the quality of skin with RF. This pairs well with the cheek applicator.

We recommend Emface® as part of a regular anti-aging regimen to maintain youthful skin and prevent future signs of laxity and aging.

Treatment areas & benefits include:



IPL - Vascular Redness

IPL - Vascular Redness



IPL - Vascular Redness

IPL - Vascular Redness


20 minute sessions.




Some patients notice visible improvement after the first session, with optimal results developing over the following 3 months.


Four initial sessions scheduled once a week for best results, maintenance every 3-6 months.


None to Mild


Every face is unique and we approach our patients on a case by case basis. The best outcomes are seen in patients who follow their recommended number of treatment sessions with follow up maintenance thereafter.

Follow-up photos are taken at 3 months to track progress and ensure satisfaction.

Our skilled technicians are trained to provide the treatment efficiently and comfortably, ensuring a positive experience for all patients.

Arbutus Laser Centre offers a wide variety of technology, which expands our ability to cater to individual priorities. Different types of lifting and tightening treatments may have slightly different benefits, and our team will help determine the most appropriate approach for your specific concerns.


Good hydration, a full belly, and being well-rested are recommended prior to treatment. Return to normal activities immediately. This technology is not suitable for patients who are pregnant, have a pacemaker, or metal implants in the treatment area.


It is always our goal to provide excellent value for this service with highly skilled providers at industry average pricing.

Our Emface® treatments are popular year-round as this device can treat all skin types. Deposits are required to book.


If you are already an Emface® lover, this procedure may be booked directly with our front desk with a short call back from your technician to ensure suitability and preparation. If you are not sure which procedure is best for you, please book to see one of our experts for a detailed and informative consultation.

Have more questions?

We have answers! 

Our experienced team is ready to help.


Q: How many sessions are required?

A: We recommend 4 initial treatments, scheduled once a week, after a personalized consultation.

Q: Is the treatment painful?

A: Emface® is a comfortable treatment, involving a warm sensation and facial muscle contractions that feel like a facial workout. There is no need for numbing, and patients can resume their regular activities immediately after treatment.

Q: How long do Emface® results last?

A: Results vary and can last anywhere from 6-15 months. Clinical studies show an average of 37% reduction in wrinkles, 30% increase in muscle tone, and a 23% lifting effect.

Q: Who is an Emface® candidate?

A: The Emface® patients are those that see signs of aging, such as volume loss, laxity and lines. Younger patients looking for pre-juvenation can also benefit from Emface®. Please talk to us to determine if Emface® is suitable for you. This technology is not suitable for patients who are pregnant, have a pacemaker, or metal implants in the treatment area.