Arbutus Laser

Prevention &

Prevention & Preservation

Prevention & Preservation

Prevention & Preservation: The Cornerstones of Beautiful Skin

As the largest organ of our body, our skin is not only a reflection of beauty, but also health. Our approach revolves around two core principles: Prevention & Preservation. The first step is to prevent damage and tackle skin concerns at their onset. The second is to preserve natural beauty, ensuring lasting results and maintaining the health of the skin.

Whether you’re taking the initial steps towards skincare or seeking advanced treatments, we understand the uniqueness of every individual’s skin. At Arbutus Laser, our commitment isn’t just to treat, but to educate. By arming you with knowledge, we hope to empower you to make the best choices for your skin’s future.

When is a good time to start prevention treatments?

Everyone is different. Some people appear to age faster than others. This can often be attributed to sun exposure in the early years, but can also be genetic, or attributed to lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise, alcohol and smoking. Taking early, preventative action can help slow deterioration from environmental factors, and prolong the well hydrated, clear complexion of healthy looking skin. More and more patients in their 20’s and 30’s have been taking preventative measures to maintain the youth of their skin. Plan to age, it’s inevitable!

It is never too late to start. Many people do not realize until later in life that their skin health has become compromised. Preventative treatments are beneficial for adults of any age and we have a full spectrum of regeneration procedures to tackle damage that has already occurred.

What can I do at home to prevent signs of aging?

  1. Limit sun exposure when going for a walk, driving in the car, sitting by the window, participating in sports such as running, biking, boating, golfing and finally, avoid sun tanning.

    Aim to be conscientious when you are in the sun. Here’s what you can do:

    • Wear a physical/mineral sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher everyday, rain, snow or shine. Repeat application every 2-3 hours (especially if it’s impossible avoid the sun ie. sunny destinations, golfing, boating).
    • Wear wide brimmed hats that will cover the sides of your face, neck and chest. Baseball caps can only protect the upper half of your face. The lower half is exposed which can increase sun damage and further collagen breakdown.
    • Opt to sit, stand, walk, run, bike in the shade or shadier areas.
    • Avoid peak hours of sun between 10am-4pm.
  2. Stay hydrated by drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day and maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
  3. Stay rested: your body repairs and regenerates (this includes your skin) during sleep.
  4. Smoking, and drinking excessive alcohol will further dehydrate the skin and accelerate aging.
  5. Use a quality moisturizer and exfoliate regularly!

Healthy Skin,
is Beautiful Skin.


Your skin faces daily environmental stressors, which can prematurely age it. Our laser facials offer a rejuvenating experience, targeting the skin’s deeper layers and stimulating collagen production with very little to no downtime. When done as part of a regular routine, vibrant skin health is easily supported.


Arbutus Laser has carefully selected laser technologies that safely and effectively refresh your skin. These options include Hydrafacials®, Chemical peels, Laser Genesis, Sylfirm X Glow, Pico Toning and Clear + Brilliant®. Each target multiple and different conditions all while preventing aging skin.

Through regular laser facial sessions, you can reduce the appearance of fine lines, minimize pores, reduce redness and maintain a glowing skin tone.

What You Can Expect:

A comfortable experience with minimal downtime. Regular sessions about 4-6 weeks apart will lead to consistently improved skin tone and texture. Include medical grade skin care to enhance your treatment results and overall regular skin maintenance.



Laser Facials- Clear and Brilliant



Laser Facials- Combination Therapy


Aging is inevitable, but the appearance of aging can be managed. Our wrinkle prevention injections provide a proactive approach to softening fine lines and wrinkles and helping to prevent deep lines and volume loss.


Utilizing fillers or neuromodulators, our specialists administer injections strategically, ensuring results that look natural and graceful. Some wrinkles are formed with contractions of facial muscles and relaxing these contractions will slow and prevent deeper wrinkle formations. This is preventative aesthetics at its finest.

What You Can Expect:

A non-invasive procedure with immediate results. Minimal discomfort with lasting effects against dynamic wrinkles.



Glabellar (Frown) Line Prevention



Glabellar (Frown) Line Prevention

If it's a concern for you,
it's one for us.


As time progresses, our skin may lose its firmness. We provide treatments that specifically target skin elasticity, ensuring a toned and tightened appearance.


Most devices in our clinic will help to stimulate collagen production. Treatments started at an earlier age will be able to better maintain tone and tightness to the skin versus treatments starting at a later age.

Harnessing the power of modalities like focused ultrasound, radiofrequency and laser, we stimulate the deeper layers of skin to produce more collagen and improve skin elasticity.

What You Can Expect:

A noticeable lift and firmer feel to the skin, with best results appearing over several treatment sessions.



Tone and tighten



Abdominal Tone and tightening


Uneven skin tone, irregular pigmentations, and redness can sometimes overshadow the skin’s natural beauty. At Arbutus Laser, we provide solutions to even out your skin tone and reduce redness.


Using a combination of lasers and topical treatments, we target the root causes of pigmentation and vascular issues, ensuring clearer and brighter skin, all while stimulating collagen production.

What You Can Expect:

Reduced visible imperfections and a balanced skin tone. Consistent treatments will offer the best results in combating persistent skin discolorations.



Pigment and redness



Pigment and redness

At Arbutus Laser, we don’t just treat – we empower you with knowledge and tools to preserve the skin you’re in. Every step taken in our facility is a step towards healthier and beautiful skin. For more information or to schedule a consultation, reach out to our dedicated team.

Have more questions?

We have answers! 

Our experienced team is ready to help.